Monday, 14 July 2014

Superhero Cake!

My first attempt at making a fondant cake was a superhero cake for my boyfriend.  Only the top was covered in fondant but it was all I could handle.  I made a chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream and decorated with the superheros that he liked the most (at least majority of them were... Batman, Spiderman, Wolverine and the Hulk.

Karate Cupcakes!

My boyfriend was taking his black belt test for Karate this past weekend so I thought I'd surprise him and the other testers with some Karate cupcakes for our celebration BBQ.  Since Karate originated from Japan, I thought green tea would be fitting theme.  I made chocolate cupakes with Matcha green tea buttercream. I also decided to experiment with the frosting designs and made a flower decoration and a 'pie' decoration.